The Choo Choo Train Activity Bumper includes a trainload of fun activities to keep babies busy - as well as soothing music to help them sleep! Babies can pat the train’s head to hear choo choo sounds. They can put Patrick in different cabins, and play peek-a-boo with Wayne and Julia. It also includes a flower that lights up and makes giggling sounds, a mirror, rattle, crinkle paper and more!

The fundamental senses of seeing, tasting, hearing, smelling & feeling encourage a child's curiosity.
Fine Motor Skills
Fine motor skills are those smaller actions between the thumb and fingers or using the toes to wriggle and feel the objects.
Gross Motor Skills
Gross motor skills are larger movements involving the arm, leg, or feet muscles or the entire body.
Logical training enables babies to make connections between pieces of information.
Colors, shapes, learning how to draw, getting familiar with music and rhythm, all goes to aid the growth of a child's creativity.
Linguistic Intelligence is the ability to use sound and language for expression and comprehension of others while a child is developing.
A healthy child should be able to control and express his emotion, and interact effectively with others with mutual trust.
Communication Skills
Good communication skills lead a child to perform cooperative tasks and become productive team members.
Self-Esteem is an overall sense of achievement a child feels from the important people around him. Task basis activities could help children to build up a stronger self-esteem with a better judgment about their own worth.
*These are recommendations made under normal circumstances. Parents can determine which activities are most suitable depending on the progress of individual children.
Objective: Protection - bumper
Method: Tie the bumper to your baby’s crib for protection. The colors and graphics on the bumper also attract her gaze and touch.

Objective: Developing self awareness - observing herself in the mirror
Method: Allow your child to observe and recognize her own image in the mirror.

Objective: Listening and attention training – observing your child’s reaction to sounds
Method: There is a rattle inside Patrick. Press, shake or crinkle Patrick and the bumper to create sounds. Observe if your child’s gaze follows the sounds.

Objective: Music mode – relaxes child
Method: Set the train engine to “music mode”. Pat the train engine to activate the music and sound effects. Music trains children’s listening skills and sense of rhythm. It also cultivates positive emotions.

Objective: Sleep mode – helps child sleep
Method: Set the train engine to “sleep mode”. It will play a lullaby to make kids sleepy and help them sleep well.

Objective: Gross and fine motor skills training – kicking and patting the train engine
Method: Place the train engine near your child’s hands or feet so that they can pat or kick it. This activates the train to play music and sound effects.

Objective: Tummy time
Method: Put your child, tummy down, on the bed, with the mirror in front of her. This trains her upper body muscles, to prepare her for crawling and rolling over.

Objective: Fine motor skills training – grasping Patrick or other small parts
Method: Encourage children to grasp and shake Patrick with both their right and left hands.

Objective: Fine motor skills training – flipping pages and flaps
Method: Encourage children to flip the crinkly and windows and doors.

Objective: Fine motor skills training – pressing
Method: Encourage children to press the flower button. This activates lights and sounds.

Objective: Eye hand coordination training – placing Patrick in the pocket
Method: Encourage children to place Patrick in the pocket in front of the mirror.

Objective: Cognitive training - learning colors
Method: Teach children different colors.

Objective: Cognitive training – pointing to colors
Method: Name a color and encourage your child to point to it.

Objective: Cognitive training - learning facial features and body parts
Method: Teach children facial features and body parts using the train engine and Patrick.

Objective: Cognitive training – pointing to facial features and body parts
Method: Name a facial feature or body part and encourage your child to point to it.

Objective: Cognitive training - learning everyday objects
Method: Teach children the names of everyday objects.

Objective: Cognitive training – pointing to everyday objects
Method: Name an object and encourage your child to point to it on the bumper.

We sincerely hope that the guidelines provided by our K's Kids Parents' Support Center will help you make the most of your K's Kids product. We hope that every child with a K's Kids product will benefit from playing and learning from it.
We also believe that every child is unique and full of creativity.
Apart from the learning methods provided here, have you or your child discovered fun and creative ways to play with your K's Kids toys? A different combination of Chain-an-inchworm? An interesting, new way to teach language using Learn to Talk™ ? Or do you simply want to share your feelings and opinions?
To share your views, please use the form below. Attach a photo or video and provide us with a short note. Whatever it is, we earnestly hope that you will share your views with us. Your views may in turn be shared with countless other parents, so that more kids can have fun with their K's Kids toys.
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