This ball can count. Throw it to your baby, it says 1. Baby throws it back, it says 2. What a funny way to learn counting. Good exercise to sharpen your kid's coordination skills and exercise his gross motors too.
Flip-flap.. the ball turns magically into an English teacher. Throw it again, now it says and sings ABCDE.. Z. There are interval surprise sounds that enhance learning fun.

The fundamental senses of seeing, tasting, hearing, smelling & feeling encourage a child's curiosity.
Fine Motor Skills
Fine motor skills are those smaller actions between the thumb and fingers or using the toes to wriggle and feel the objects.
Gross Motor Skills
Gross motor skills are larger movements involving the arm, leg, or feet muscles or the entire body.
Logical training enables babies to make connections between pieces of information.
Colors, shapes, learning how to draw, getting familiar with music and rhythm, all goes to aid the growth of a child's creativity.
Linguistic Intelligence is the ability to use sound and language for expression and comprehension of others while a child is developing.
A healthy child should be able to control and express his emotion, and interact effectively with others with mutual trust.
Communication Skills
Good communication skills lead a child to perform cooperative tasks and become productive team members.
Self-Esteem is an overall sense of achievement a child feels from the important people around him. Task basis activities could help children to build up a stronger self-esteem with a better judgment about their own worth.
*These are recommendations made under normal circumstances. Parents can determine which activities are most suitable depending on the progress of individual children.
Objective: Great for hugging
Method: All kids learn to hug. This ball is soft, made from high quality materials and great for hugging.

Objective: Listening experience
Method: Switch the ball to the counting/music mode. Pat or throw the ball to make it talk and to attract your child's attention. Observe if your child's gaze follows the sounds. This trains your child's listening skills and attention.

Objective: Crawling gross motor skills training
Method: Place the ball in front of your child and roll it slowly away from her, so she crawls after it.

Objective: Flipping
Method: The ball is two sided. Encourage your child to flip the ball from the alphabet side to the number side and vice versa. This trains both the fine motor skills and gross motor skills of her hands and arms.

Objective: Rolling
Method: Let your child roll the ball across the floor. This trains both the fine motor skills and gross motor skills of her hands and arms.

Objective: Throwing
Method: Encourage your child to throw the ball. This trains her gross motor skills.

Objective: Learning Colors
Method: Teach children to identify colors such as red, orange, yellow, brown, green, blue on both sides of the ball.

Objective: Learning Numbers
Method: Teach children to identify the numbers 1-10 using the numbered side of the ball.

Objective: Learning to Count
Method: Encourage your child to count the objects on the numbered side of the ball.

Objective: Learning the names of objects
Method: Use the pictures on the numbered side to teach children the names of different objects.

Objective: Learning numbers by listening
Method: Select the number mode, throw or pat the ball so it counts. Children can learn the correct pronunciation of the numbers 1 to 10 by listening. Parents can also encourage children to count along with the ball.

Objective: Learning the alphabet visually
Method: Teach children to identify letters using the alphabet side of the ball.

Objective: Learning the names of objects
Method: Use the pictures on the alphabet side to teach children the names of objects starting with the letters A - Z.

Objective: Learning the alphabet by listening
Method: Select the alphabet mode, throw and catch the ball with your child so that the ball reads the alphabet. This allows children to learn the correct pronunciation of the alphabet. Parents can also encourage children to read along with the ball.

Objective: Arouse babies' interests to music
Method: After saying the alphabet, the ball plays the music of the Alphabet Song.

Objective: Identifying numbers and letters
Method: Say a number or letter and encourage your child to point to it on the ball.

Objective: Identifying objects and animals
Method: Name an object or animal and encourage your child to point to that picture on the ball.

Objective: Kicking
Method: Let your child kick the ball across the floor. This trains her gross motor skills and balance.

Objective: Catching and throwing
Method: Use the ball to play catch with your child and to train her catching and throwing skills.

Objective: Odd and even numbers
Method: Use the numbered side to teach your child odd and even numbers. The numbers on the top half of the ball are odd numbers. The numbers on the bottom half are even.

Objective: Learning vowels
Method: Teach your child the vowels A, E, I, O, U using the letters on the ball. These five letters are colored orange.

Objective: Singing along
Method: Pat the ball until it plays the alphabet song. Teach and encourage your child to sing along to the music. Lyrics: A - B - C - D - E - F - G H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P Q - R - S - T – U - V, W - X - Y and Z Now I know my A - B - C's Next time won't you sing with me?

Objective: Group Game
Method: Play with two or more players. Sit in a circle and pass or throw the ball to the person next to you, so that the ball talks. For each round of counting or saying the alphabet, the ball will randomly play a cheering sound. Whoever is holding the ball as it cheers has to be punished. The punishment should be learning related. For example, singing the alphabet song, counting backwards from 10 to 1, saying three odd numbers, saying the vowels, or naming an animal that starts with the letter P etc. Through this game, children can play and learn at the same time.

We sincerely hope that the guidelines provided by our K's Kids Parents' Support Center will help you make the most of your K's Kids product. We hope that every child with a K's Kids product will benefit from playing and learning from it.
We also believe that every child is unique and full of creativity.
Apart from the learning methods provided here, have you or your child discovered fun and creative ways to play with your K's Kids toys? A different combination of Chain-an-inchworm? An interesting, new way to teach language using Learn to Talk™ ? Or do you simply want to share your feelings and opinions?
To share your views, please use the form below. Attach a photo or video and provide us with a short note. Whatever it is, we earnestly hope that you will share your views with us. Your views may in turn be shared with countless other parents, so that more kids can have fun with their K's Kids toys.
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