Pop N Stack is a new version of the classic stacking game. First, pop the pole together, then stack the rings! The ring can also be clicked together to form a chain! The pole and rings are soft and safe for little hands and great for coordination and fine motor skills training.
The fundamental senses of seeing, tasting, hearing, smelling & feeling encourage a child's curiosity.
Fine Motor Skills
Fine motor skills are those smaller actions between the thumb and fingers or using the toes to wriggle and feel the objects.
Gross Motor Skills
Gross motor skills are larger movements involving the arm, leg, or feet muscles or the entire body.
Logical training enables babies to make connections between pieces of information.
Colors, shapes, learning how to draw, getting familiar with music and rhythm, all goes to aid the growth of a child's creativity.
Linguistic Intelligence is the ability to use sound and language for expression and comprehension of others while a child is developing.
A healthy child should be able to control and express his emotion, and interact effectively with others with mutual trust.
Communication Skills
Good communication skills lead a child to perform cooperative tasks and become productive team members.
Self-Esteem is an overall sense of achievement a child feels from the important people around him. Task basis activities could help children to build up a stronger self-esteem with a better judgment about their own worth.
*Toto sú bežné odporúčania. Rodičia najlepšie poznajú svoje deti a preto si vyberú najvhodnejšie aktivity práve pre svoje dieťatko.
Objective: Sense stimulation
Method: Encourage children to touch and feel the bumpy textures on the rings and pole.
Objective: Grasping fine motor skills training
Method: Pop N Stack is made from rings and pole pieces of different sizes. Encourage children to grasp the plastic pieces with both their right and left hands.
Objective: Gross motor skills training
Method: Connect three of the pole pieces. Encourage children to hold and shake it like a rattle. This trains their gross motor skills.
Objective: Twisting
Method: Link any two of the pole pieces together and encourage children to twist them in opposite directions. This trains their fine motor skills.
Objective: Disconnecting pieces
Method: Link any two of the pole pieces together. Encourage children to disconnect them by pulling them sideways in opposite directions. This trains the gross motor skills, fine motor skills and horizontal movement in their hands and arms.
Objective: Learning Colors
Method: Teach children to identify colors using the colorful pieces.
Objective: Learning about size (Easy)
Method: Use the six different sized rings to teach your child about size. Randomly hold up two rings and ask your child to choose the bigger or smaller one.
Objective: Identifying facial features
Method: Parents can use Patrick's face to teach children facial features such as the head, eyes, nose, ears and mouth.
Objective: Pointing out facial features
Method: Parents should encourage children to point to the facial feature that they name.
Objective: Learning about size (Advanced)
Method: Use the six different sized rings to teach your child about size. Hold up at least three rings and ask your child to choose the biggest or smallest one.
Objective: Learning Numbers
Method: Teach children to identify the numbers on the pole. (1, 2, 3)
Objective: Differentiating between a protrusion and a cavity
Method: Parents can use the linking sections of the pieces to teach children to differentiate between a protrusion and a cavity.
Objective: Learning about complete and incomplete circles
Method: Use the rings to show children the difference between a complete and incomplete circle.
Objective: Linking (Easy)
Method: Using the concepts from Activity 2.6, encourage children to link two rings together. This trains their gross and fine motor skills.
Objective: Color grouping
Method: Encourage children to separate the rings and pole pieces into three groups based on color - red, green and blue.
Objective: Placing rings in order based on size
Method: Encourage children to line up the rings in order, from small to big.
Objective: Linking (Medium)
Method: Encourage children to link three to four rings together. This trains their gross and fine motor skills.
Objective: Connecting pole pieces
Method: Using concepts learned from activity 2.5, allow children to freely connect the pole pieces. This trains their gross and fine motor skills, as well as their judgement of space.
Objective: Creating configurations
Method: Encourage your child to create the following configurations, combining the rings and the pole pieces.
Objective: Linking (Advanced)
Method: Encourage children to freely link all six rings together. This trains their gross and fine motor skills.
Objective: Building with Pop N Stack and Chain-an-inchworm
Method: The pole pieces from Pop N Stack and pieces from Chain-an-inchworm are compatible. Children can combine the pieces from both toy sets to create more configurations. (Note: Chain-an-inchworm sets are sold separately)
Objective: Building with Pop N Stack and Fun Park
Method: The pole pieces from Pop N Stack and pieces from Fun Park are compatible. Children can combine the pieces from both toy sets to create more configurations. (Note: Fun Park sets are sold separately)
Objective: Building with Pop N Stack, Chain-an-inchworm and Fun Park
Method: The pole pieces from Pop N Stack, pieces from Chain-an-inchworm and Fun Park are compatible. Children can combine the pieces from all three toy sets to create more configurations.
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