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Message to Parents
K’s Kids家長資源中心
是K’s Kids學習三角形的伸延及實踐。


K’s Kids 學習三角形 是所有 K’s Kids 產品的基礎。由學習理念到結構細節,由一個鈕扣到一塊鏡子,都依據兒童發展過程中九大元素而精心設計。

家長購買了K’s Kids的產品同時,

K's Kids家長資源中心以小朋友的年齡制訂清晰的學習階段,以循序漸進的形式提供相對的指引及模式,配合玩具功能,使小朋友享受玩具的同時,能充份發揮K’s Kids產品的學習價值。

通過網頁、印刷及流動設備等全方位媒介,K’s Kids家長資源中心提供全面的售後支援資訊,協助家長能充份利用及發揮K’s Kids產品在設計上的教育功能。


在兒童成長的路途上,K’s Kids願意成為父母們並肩而行的忠誠伙伴,幫助你的孩子享受學習的樂趣。作為父母,如何在找到適合自己孩子的玩具?擁有K’s Kids的玩具後如何真正發揮其中的學習價值?一切的支援與需要都能夠在這裡找到答案。

讓你的小朋友享受學習的樂趣,由帶K’s Kids玩具回家開始。



The fundamental senses of seeing, tasting, hearing, smelling & feeling encourage a child's curiosity.

Fine Motor Skills

Fine motor skills are those smaller actions between the thumb and fingers or using the toes to wriggle and feel the objects.

Gross Motor Skills

Gross motor skills are larger movements involving the arm, leg, or feet muscles or the entire body.


Logical training enables babies to make connections between pieces of information.


Colors, shapes, learning how to draw, getting familiar with music and rhythm, all goes to aid the growth of a child's creativity.


Linguistic Intelligence is the ability to use sound and language for expression and comprehension of others while a child is developing.


A healthy child should be able to control and express his emotion, and interact effectively with others with mutual trust.

Communication Skills

Good communication skills lead a child to perform cooperative tasks and become productive team members.


Self-Esteem is an overall sense of achievement a child feels from the important people around him. Task basis activities could help children to build up a stronger self-esteem with a better judgment about their own worth.