School Bus/Fire Engine: 10.5cm(W) x 9.5cm(H) x 10.5cm(D)
Lovely vehicle set consists of 4 cute "Pull Back" soft Autos. Kids play with the autos with rich imagination; never tire of pushing & pulling them around on the floor. A great way for baby to announce his effects & share their joy with peers while playing. Plastic base can be detached and the soft car is machine-washable.
The fundamental senses of seeing, tasting, hearing, smelling & feeling encourage a child's curiosity.
Fine Motor Skills
Fine motor skills are those smaller actions between the thumb and fingers or using the toes to wriggle and feel the objects.
Gross Motor Skills
Gross motor skills are larger movements involving the arm, leg, or feet muscles or the entire body.
Logical training enables babies to make connections between pieces of information.
Colors, shapes, learning how to draw, getting familiar with music and rhythm, all goes to aid the growth of a child's creativity.
Linguistic Intelligence is the ability to use sound and language for expression and comprehension of others while a child is developing.
A healthy child should be able to control and express his emotion, and interact effectively with others with mutual trust.
Communication Skills
Good communication skills lead a child to perform cooperative tasks and become productive team members.
Self-Esteem is an overall sense of achievement a child feels from the important people around him. Task basis activities could help children to build up a stronger self-esteem with a better judgment about their own worth.
*Acestea sunt recomandări făcute în condiţii normale. Părinţii pot determina care sunt activităţile cele mai potrivite, în funcţie de progresul individual al copilului.
Objective: Sense stimulation using car wheels
Method: Stimulate your child’s sense of touch by softly running the car wheels along your child’s body (outside of her clothes).
Objective: Fine motor skills training - grasping and pressing
Method: The cars are made from foam and soft fabrics. Encourage children to grasp the cars with both their right and left hands.
Objective: Gross motor skills training - crawling
Method: Push a car forward, attracting your child to crawl after it.
Objective: Fine and gross motor skills training - pushing
Method: Encourage children to push the cars across the floor.
Objective: Fine and gross motor skills training - pulling
Method: Encourage children to first pull one of the cars back, then let go and watch as it zooms forward.
Objective: Balancing skills training - stacking 2 cars
Method: Encourage children to stack 2 cars, one on top of the other. This activity also trains children’s patience.
Objective: Cognitive training - learning facial features
Method: Teach your child to recognize different facial features using the cars.
Objective: Cognitive training - pointing to facial features
Method: Name a facial feature and encourage your child to point to it.
Objective: Cognitive training - learning colors
Method: Use the different colored cars to teach children to recognize colors.
Objective: Cognitive training - finding colors
Method: Name a color and encourage your child to find it.
Objective: Cognitive training - learning the names of characters
Method: Teach your child the names of the different characters on the cars.
Objective: Cognitive training - finding characters
Method: Name a character and encourage your child to find it.
Objective: Cognitive training - learning the names of different vehicles
Method: Using the Pull Back Autos, teach your child the names of different vehicles.
Objective: Cognitive training - finding different vehicles
Method: Name a kind of vehicle and encourage your child to find it.
Objective: Balancing skills training - stacking 3 cars
Method: Encourage children to stack 3 cars, one on top of the other. This activity also trains children’s patience.
Objective: Cognitive training - learning occupations and their matching vehicles
Method: Using the characters, teach your child the names of different occupations and their matching vehicles. For example, Bobby is a firefighter. Firefighters drive fire engines.
Objective: Confidence and social skills building - car racing
Method: Have a car race. You may have 2 to 4 children or adult players. The car that travels the furthest wins!
Objective: Sense of distance and eye hand coordination training - having cars go through a tunnel
Method: Build a tunnel or arch for the cars to travel under, using boxes other everyday objects. Encourage your child to aim and have the car travel through the tunnel. Parents may increase the difficulty by varying the width and distance of the tunnel/arch.
Objective: Balancing skills training - stacking 4 cars
Method: Encourage children to stack 4 cars, one on top of the other. This activity also trains children’s patience.
Sperăm sincer ca instrucţiunile puse la dispoziţie prin Centru de Suport pentru Părinţi să vă ajute să profitaţi din plin de produsul dvs K's Kids. Sperăm ca fiecare copil care are un produs K's Kids să aibă de câştigat jucându-se şi învăţând cu el.
De asemenea, credem că fiecare copil este unic şi plin de creativitate.
În afară de metodele de învăţare puse la dispoziţie aici, aţi mai descoperit dvs sau copilul dvs şi alte forme distractive şi creative de a vă juca cu ele? O altă combinaţie pentru Asamblează-Omida? O metodă nouă şi interesantă de a preda limbajul folosind Învaţă să Vorbeşti™? Sau doriţi pur şi simplu să împărtăşiţi cu alţii părerile şi ceea ce simţiţi?
Pentru a partaja părerile dvs, vă rugăm să folosiţi formularul de mai jos. Ataşaţi o poză sau un video şi oferiţi-ne o scurtă descriere. Orice ar fi, sperăm sincer să le împărtăşiţi cu noi. Opiniile dvs pot fi, la rândul lor, partajate cu nenumăraţi alţi părinţi, pentru ca mai mulţi copii să se poată distra cu jucăriile lor K's Kids.
Vă rugăm să nu închideți fereastra.